The Governing Body provides a sense of direction for the work of the school.  Governors work together with the Headteacher as a team and support the work of the school as a critical friend; to hold the school to account for the standards and quality of education it achieves.  A good Governing Body will therefore take a strategic view, be a ‘critical friend’ and ensure accountability.

Should you wish to contact the Chair of Governors, you can do so via the Clerk –

Who are our School Governors?

Mr P Gordon (Chair)

Dr K Noble (Vice Chair)

Mr S Ascroft (Headteacher)

Mrs J Bell

Mrs S Hodkinson

Mr K McCabe

Dr G D Patel

Mr A L Vickers

Mrs A Whitehead

Mr W Davies

Mrs P Reilly

Mr B Wilson




Mr Conrad Nelson

Professor Rachel Williams

Mr Christopher Wright


Mrs A Groves: Clerk to the Governors

Governors and accountability

The school governors are in effect our Board of Directors and they are closely involved in the leadership of the school. Governors operate a Committee Link Programme to each of the key school leadership areas: Achievement, Teaching and CPD, Self Evaluation and Planning, Finance & Resources, Health and Safety, ICT strategy, Student Welfare, Business and Enterprise. Governors meet with the senior staff who lead on these areas on a half termly / termly basis. Governors exercise their role of providing challenge, advice and critical partnership.

Details of Link Committees, Governor Register of Interest and periods of office can be found below.

Governing Body

Governors Attendance at Full Governing Body Meetings - 2022/2023

Governor Information

Financial Statements 31st August 2021

Financial Statements 31st August 2022

Financial Statements 31st August 2023