main school admissions

The main stages are as follows:

  • Complete and return the Assessment Request Form to Wirral Local Authority by 31st May. This applies to both Wirral and Cheshire residents. The Form can be down loaded from out web site when it becomes available.
  • Wirral LA will issue familiarisation information with details about the tests later in the Summer Term
  • The 11+ assessments take place in the third week of September. Wirral LA will notify parents about where the assessment is to be taken
  • Assessment results will be returned to parents by around 21st October
  • Preference forms for choice of secondary schools should be returned to your Local Authority by 31st October . Note: if you live in Cheshire then you complete the Cheshire preference form and send this the Cheshire LA. If you live in Wirral then you complete the Wirral LA form.
  • Preferences can be completed on-line using the relevant Local Authority admissions portal:

Admissions Policy 2025 - 2026

Admissions Portal for Cheshire

Admissions Portal for Wirral

You will be notified of the choice of secondary school on 1st March. This is the same for both Wirral and Cheshire residents.

After 1st March, the next steps are:

  • If your son took the test, achieved the standard for the Grammar School but you have been allocated another school, this will be because you made that school a higher preference OR because the school is full after the admission criteria have been applied.

If you have been offered a place at Wirral Grammar School for your son for September  we will contact you with details of arrangements for our Welcome Evening in the Summer Term.

The following publications are available for you to look through to help you to familiarise yourself with the school:

WGSB Handbook

If you have any admissions queries or require any clarification, do not hesitate to call Miss Gill Senior (Pastoral & Admissions Manager) on 0151-644 0908