Students at Wirral Grammar School for Boys (WGSB) have achieved incredible results across all subject areas this year.
The Governors of Wirral Grammar School are committed to achieving Best Value in all decisions made. We use the principles of Best Value as set out in the Best Value Framework to focus on the balance between cost and quality in striving continuously to improve services.
At Wirral Grammar School we will endeavour to provide Best Value by adhering to the four “C’s” principles.
We will compare our school’s performance with that of other schools byBenchmarking and Consistent Financial Reports, so we have a firm academic and financial basis for moving the school forward.
We will compare the quality, cost and impact of services purchased from outside providers, including the LEA, particularly Service Level Agreements.
We will challenge whether our school’s performance is high enough, and why and how a service is being provided. We will challenge existing patterns of expenditure to identify possible savings and alternative use of resources. We will take steps to ensure we receive the funding to which we are entitled so that income is maximised.
We will seek the views of service users about the services provided, and consult the appropriate stakeholders before major decisions are made.
We will promote fair competition through quotations and tenders to ensure that goods and services are secured in the most economic, efficient and effective way.
We will submit our Best Value statement with the annual budget plan. The progress of the annual budget plan and the Best Value statement will be monitored with the school improvement plan in order to determine the extent of continuous improvement.
Students at Wirral Grammar School for Boys (WGSB) have achieved incredible results across all subject areas this year.
Students at Wirral Grammar School for Boys (WGSB6) are celebrating some exceptional results today.
Come and enjoy our Creative Arts Exhibition and Alumni Open House. Casting your vote on the 4th? Call in to see us 5.30-7.30pm!