Parents are asked to complete a short survey form on the occasion of each year specific Parents’ Evening. Questions relate to all of the key aspects of school life: safety, pupil progress, quality of teaching, quality of support for pupils, behaviour, preparation for the future, extra-curricular provision, quality of leadership. The results of each survey are issued to the parents of each year group and then at the end of the year all of the results of compiled and published on the school website.
Survey results present a positive picture of parent perception:
Survey returns are high and usually in the order of one third of all parents in a year group. The results are helpful in determining areas for review and development.
No school is perfect and our aim is always to address the detailed issues that sometimes cause concern.
Among some of the areas that have been improved or developed partly on account of parent surveys over the last few years are:
The most recent complete survey analysis for the 2019-2020 Academic Year
Please note that 2019/2020 has been a difficult year due to ongoing Covid-19 restrictions, and the results from this year are based on the surveys that were able to be taken before restrictions came into force. The Year groups in question are Years 9, 10, 11 and 13.
Surveys for previous years can be found in our archive: